Our Services 24 Hour Emergency Service on systems installed by NES

Our Company provides quality work while focusing on great Customer service. We provide services to Androscoggin, Cumberland, Oxford, Sagadahoc and York Counties as well as Mid-Coast Maine. We provide Regional support every day and are devoted to delivering personal and outstanding services to our clientele. We are fully qualified, licensed and insured.
Offering innovative geothermal heat pumps that tap into the earth's surface to use the energy and consistent heat found in the ground, a pond or well water as a heat source and heat sink - instead of using outside air like traditional heat pumps. Geothermal heat pumps provide both cooling and heating to your home, and are able to maintain the highest efficiency on even the coldest winter nights or the hottest summer days, saving money.
Solar hot water is becoming more and more popular with the rising fuel costs. Now with the new Federal Government tax credits for efficiency upgrades, it pays to GO GREEN! With NES, we provide you with the option of an easy, cost efficient upgrade with solar hot water. A new complete solar hot water system puts you on your way to money saving greener energy.
Contact us for more information on any of these systems!!